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Shantanu Panigrahi
25 September at 20:30 ·
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Brahman is the Reality as truth, so if you wipe out your consciousness by losing your mind of attachments you are the Self (purusho) as Brahman the living truth.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow, In your opinion is dreaming in the waking state must be what I as an Biological scientist who has gone deeply into psychiatry aided by Consultant Psychiatrists over decades have what are real genuine sometimes delusional thoughts from the somatic brain into what we call the mind. These thoughts cater for the body only that leads to karma. But we are not our body and that knowledge is not helpful for living life to what we truly are, that is Brahman the one and only Reality. That is what is meant by the ancient words 'thou art that.
Emily Snow
Shantanu Panigrahi As long as you are more attached, secure with your imagined dream of how things are rather then surrendering to the reality of the incomprehensible totality of complete and perfect wholeness that cannot be known or understood conceptually is being stuck in the limitation of illusion. "If the surrender is complete, all sense of individuality is lost." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow But the whole can be known conceptually: that is the fundamental driving force to go beyond the body and its senses, the consciousness and the mind to where lies the supreme treasure of bliss in truth, that is Brahman.
Emily Snow
Shantanu Panigrahi Understand you know nothing and then listen to the silence. Thoughts are just mental noise obscuring the only true reality and that is non duality. “There is absolutely no duality whatsoever. You are merely projecting your own ideas” Nisargadatta.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow Do you consider Brahman as a conceptually-derived Reality or not?
Emily Snow
Shantanu Panigrahi The dualistic illusion or Maya is present in the form of the universe.
The universe is a product of ignorance. Without ignorance, the universe ceases to exist as a reality. The universe hides God in truth because the universe is merely an illusion created out of God, the Spirit, or consciousness. If you are unable to grasp the truth hidden by the ‘I’ then you will never be able to grasp nonduality. "Unless the illusory nature of the world ceases, the vision of the true nature of the Self is not obtained." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow You need to experience both the reality of world as self in its small 's' meaning and its dualistic existence of vyvaharika where God resides and then experience the reality of the paramarthika dimension in your higher Self (without attachments) to get to know the Ultimate Reality that is Brahman. The process of realisation of Brahman as Self is not imagined by reading scriptures or quoting texts attributed to Ramanna or Nisargaatta. These two dimensions have to be explored. Being non-dual is not an objective, it is the Reality of Brahman with its vyavaharika manifestation and God within this dimension. Being silent does not aid the process of truth-seeking through what I describe as satya-advaita yoga, or the yoga oneness with truth. Only truth is the Reality. Brahman is truth. There is nothing beyond Brahman.
Emily Snow
Shantanu Panigrahi Just experience, but no experiencer. Both the interpretation and the interpreter of experience are imagined. There is just undifferentiated direct experiencing, then almost instantly, with hardly any gap, the conditioned mind overlays what is simply experienced with non-existent distinctions arising from habitual tendencies to interpret what is just happening through a distorted, contracted lens of desires and fears believed to be true. Those imagined distinctions Objectify what is seen and as such Subjectifies the 'after' the fact experiencing as something existing and real. Its all just an imagined dream of distinctions and separation that Objectifies and Subjectifies experience with the superimposition of the distortion of conditioned desires and fears. At best the imagined Subject 'Me', can be described as the 'after' thought echo and inferred reflection that's attempting to process and cognize, within its limited finite capabilities, what has already happened. All that is just a fabricated dream. Realization is nothing more then ending the dream, which is the ignorance of Duality of Subject/Object relativity. Existence consciousness (Sat Chit), experiencing but no experiencer.
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Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow No experiencer but what about witnessing as an observer?
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Emily Snow
Shantanu Panigrahi Experience happens, then it gets processed through the senses and then it gets interpreted, and that takes place in fact 'after' the experience has already past, so what/who is that imagined concocted 'after' thought that thinks the experience (already past) is happening to them now? The 'after' thought of a someone can only be imagined as the 'inferred' experiencer, because it feeds off of the conceptualized echo of no longer existing past happenings that then seemingly legitimizes its 'non-existence' as the existing '𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿' of what has already been experienced. All just a fabricated illusion of attempting to claim what is happening as having happened to an imagined 'Me'.
"For knowing that which Is, there is no '𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿'. Hence Being is Awareness and we are all Awareness." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
Shantanu Panigrahi
Emily Snow The past experience and actions have effects and repercussions on the present and the future. They cannot be ignored if life is to progress further. You make decisions, some good and some bad but learn from experience on how to live. That is why we Hindus focus on dharma, that is to say ones duties and responsibilities. You cannot realise the perfect way to live without a purpose to your existence. So we invent the concept of unattachment to keep calm and composed in the Self.
B Conscious Bibliture
Life is the consciousness of the universe coming into being and seeing itself - all is one. Attachments of the mind are bound by time as they come into and out of being while our true identity - the infinite and eternal present moment, which is Brahma - timelessly remains as the source of all existence.
Harshavardhan Bhaskarapantulu
I think you ought to say it as karma (s) instead of consciousness 🙏🏻
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Shantanu Panigrahi
Harshavardhan Bhaskarapantulu is not karma (s) the detailed manifestatoon of our consciousness?
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Harshavardhan Bhaskarapantulu
Shantanu Panigrahi karmas arise out of Prakruti which arise out of Paramatma. It's like a wave arising out of an ocean. It stays for a while and again mingles into the ocean again. It's called Maya form of the ultimate. 🙏🏻