Which would you rather be: to be fully aware of the imminent Reality and observe and be able to react spontaneously in the perfect mannner, or use your mind to calculate, judge and come to almost certainly fallible conclusions? My view is one cannot trust ones mind to form any jugdment for truth cannot be assessed. That is why man has invented computers and robots to make decisions. For a person peace of mind is the most important thing. For this reason, the mind has to be dropped.
The mind takes proactive actions and that is not conducive to truth-accommdation that harmonises with the imminent reality. Spontaneity of reactions ensures that one harmonises when one is mind-free, and thus is totally liberated, including from the Personal God of ones mental creation. One is then Brahma, the Hindu term for the universe which exists as the imminent, durable and permanent Reality. There is no need to think out what needs to be done. is why I have dropped my mind with my earlier conceived God Sri Krishna-Durga.