If you are relecting on the past and in so doing are attached to that knowledge or monuments or experiences, you cannot realise the present moment to be sble to act correctly instantly to then put it also behind you in readimess for the next moment's realities. One's Self is therefore to be defined as ones higher state of the mind, that is the supermind that is free of the baggage of attachments of all kinds. It is in then in stillness rather than being in consciousness or even wareness. That generates perfect thought for each separate moment's actions. The supermind hence knows the next moment's realities instantly as time passes because it is clear of the clutter of the past.
So what are perfect actions that only the suprmind is able to take instantly? This is ĺiving to reality in a self preservational wsy so that one moves steadily forwards towsrds a nstural death and not with one's loss of liberty in any way, shape or form. That is the next moment's only objective, in being ones free Self. Loss of basic essentials of life, loss of liberty by being incarcerated in mental hospital or prison or having to leave the country of wealth or defamation are not to be considered unimportat in that physical survival is not enough for the libertarian who irs frowned upon by Police States. Survival in dignity is to be strived for. That is what the supermind does. It makes a person lord of the jungle of humanimals in resisting persecution.