Over the past 24 years I have been following what I considered was a religious path of establishing the truth about this world of ours but today my final consultation with my solicitor brought home to me that no judge in the United Kingdom would be convinced by such protestations and are ignoring me as a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic with persistent delusions which caused me to be a person of gross misconduct in numerous disciplinary hearings of various kinds in all kinds of venues, so disregarded as a human being. I have corresponded with thousands of people by emails, texts, and phone calls to try and restore my credibility but lost countless jobs and was reduced from riches at the height of my scientific career in 1998 to rags. My actions and words generate enemies who trolled me but I felt that I was always in tune with reality.
So to cut my financial losses I give up the struggle to claim sanity in always having been in full control of my mental faculties.