Through knowledge perfect Self-awareness in stillness of mind is attained for precisly correct actions for self- advancement at all times. This is the essence of Brahman-gyan.
When the mind is entirely dictated to by the brain, it is constituted as ego. As soon as one starts to leave materialism that is based on desires the mind is a jivatman
When one delves deeper into Reality by slowly shedding off all ones attachments the mind becomes àtman. When atman=Brahman the universe in totality one is Consciousness. The person is an advaitist with no Personal God or gods that is a atheist. For yogis who have bhaktii (devoton) Sri Krisnaa the Creator of the universe awakens them onto the path of dharma and they conduct dhaayudha in fighting for truth and justice in the material world of vyavaharika and are Vishista-advaitists. This state is also not the destination as the goal of life. Samadhi in the end also requires dharma for a Vishista advaitis in its rajasic pathway. Both advaita and Voshis aadvaita do not attain peace of mind because these consciously analyse developments.
Thrre is a State of mindless existence that is called the Self, ones true nature. This state is the ultimate and is beyond gunas. Sattvic guna inanifestation is govered by Lord Brahma, whereas rajasic guna is governed by Lord Vishnu and tawmasic guna by Lord Shiva. Guna specifies dharms in various ways, as duties and responsibilites. As Self one is free from dharma.
Brahman is the Hindu term for the universe including the gods. The Self is beyond Consciousness. Lord Brahma is one of the three guna consciousness gods in the Trimurti within the universe. The Self is the Supreme Creator God Sri Krishna who Hindus call Bhagwan.
From this we say a person who has become the Self in total Self Awsreness is Brahman-Gyani for he or she knows all there is to know for librration (moksha).
For the Self state being therefore the moksha state, the individual is called a Bhagwan but limited since he or she is living being, a living god with a small "g'. Thus he or she one with God yet distinct. This is calleabhd achintya bhed abheda tatwa (oneness and separateness).